All You Need to Know About the Tooth Fairy

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The Tooth Fairy is a mythical creature that visits children around the world when they lose their little baby teeth. She makes losing teeth more fun and enjoyable for children. If you want to help your child enjoy losing their little chompers, our dentist, Dr. Andrea Mason, encourages you to introduce them to the Tooth Fairy. When doing so, you can share the following details:

-The Tooth Fairy started her tooth-collecting career in Europe many years ago. When kids around the world started hearing about her, she started taking longer trips to visit them!

-The Tooth Fairy visits children when they lose their teeth. Many children place their teeth under their pillows or in special boxes or pocket pillows next to their beds.

-During the Tooth Fairy’s visits, she takes the little tooth and replaces it with a treasure, like money or trinkets.

-The Tooth Fairy is very quiet because she can’t be caught. She also only visits kids when they’re fast asleep!

-The Tooth Fairy is very kind and caring. In fact, she loves all the children very much!

-You can help the Tooth Fairy by making sure the teeth are healthy and clean. You can also help her by keeping track of all the teeth you lose and by leaving a sign on your door saying you’re ready for a visit!

Call Olympia Pediatric Dentistry today at 360-352-3515 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more. Our dental team will be happy to tell you all about the Tooth Fairy and even more about pediatric dentistry in Olympia, Washington. We look forward to hearing from and helping you!