Have you noticed a folded piece of skin connected inside your child’s mouth? They may have a “tongue-tie” or “lip-tie” preventing full mobility in the mouth. This is more often known as a frenulum and is the result of too much tissue under the tongue or top lip. Here at Olympia Pediatric Dentistry, you can rest assured that we can help get rid of this “tongue-twister” and help prevent dental problems in the future.
There are two common frenectomy procedures: lingual frenectomy, which is the removal of the frenulum connecting the floor of the mouth to the tongue (this typically prevents proper speech as well as eating abilities); and labial frenectomy, which is the removal of the frenulum connecting the top lip to the front teeth gums. This can cause a gap between the two front teeth, which can also hinder speech and eating habits but can also create problems for those who need dentures.
For newborns, a tongue-tie or lip-tie can restrict breastfeeding, thus taking longer periods of time to feed. This can be difficult for both child and mother. The child usually has enough muscle tone but can tire out their mouth or only open their mouth a little when they need to open it wider to full latch on. Not only is it frustrating for the mother, but it can cause some discomfort or pain over time if their child feeds for too long. Breastfeeding properly not only helps your child get enough nutrients, but it can also help avoid orthodontic problems in the future.
Our team of professionals can remove the frenulum in just one visit, and the procedure takes anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes, so you can continue with your day. We take special care in making sure your child feels comfortable and safe during this treatment. We’ll be sure to give you at-home care instructions before you leave. Call us today for a consultation or to schedule an appointment, and we’ll be happy to help your child get their best smile!